Residential House on Sale at Tej Binayak Chowk, Gothatar:

This property is located in Tejbinayak Chowk. It is in Gothatar, Kathmandu. The land area is 3 aana. The house has 2.5 storeys. It has six bedrooms. It has four bathrooms. There are two living halls. There are two modular kitchens with dining areas. The house is fully furnished. It faces north. There is parking space for one car. It also has space for a few bikes. The road access is 13 feet. The price is 2 crore 65 lakh rupees.


Location: Tej Binayak Chowk, Gothatar

Land area: 3 aana

Face of direction: North

Road Access: 13 feet 

Price:  NRs. 2 crore 65 lakh rupees.