Residential House on Sale at Kalanki:

Find your dream home in Kalanki. It is just 700 meters from the Ring Road. It is near Salik Chowk. It is build on a land area of 6 aana. The house faces north. It has a 16-foot-wide road. It has 4.5 stories. It was built in 2076 B.S. The price is 4 crore 35 lakh.


Ground Floor
– 2 common bedrooms
– 1 common bathroom
– Kitchen and dining hall

First Floor
– Identical layout to the ground floor

Second Floor
– 1 living room
– 1 master bedroom
– 2 common bedrooms
– 1 common bathroom

Third Floor
– 1 kitchen
– 1 master bedroom
– 1 living room
– 1 common bathroom

Fourth Floor
– 2 common bedrooms
– 1 common bathroom
– Temple space


Location: Kalanki, Kathmandu

Land area: 6 aana 

Face of Direction: North

Road Access: 16 feet

Price: NRs. 4 crore 35 lakh.