Residential House on Sale at Ganesh Chowkh, Budhanilkantha:

This house is located at Ganesh Chowk in Budhanilkantha. It is built on a 4 Aana plot of land. It has six bedrooms, two living rooms, two kitchens, and four bathrooms It is connected with access of 20-foot road and it faces eastward. The asking price for this property is 4 crore. 


  • Semi- furnished
  • Modular Kitchen
  • 24/7 Electricity &  Water
  • Parking


Land Area: 4 aana 

Face of direction : East

Road Access: 20 feet

Floor: 2.5 floor

Location: Budhanilkantha

Build Year: 2080

Price: NRs. 4,00,00,000/- Total price